Taking a Selfie Video with a Playful Puppy is Almost Impossible

Bentley keeps attacking the phone and when the sound is played, he gives the most adorable head tilts.

Why does my puppy keep biting my phone?

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a puppy’s playful nips, you know how frustrating it can be. But why do puppies bite, and how can you stop it? Puppies are born with a strong instinct to bite and chew. This behavior is part of their natural development, and puppies use their mouths to explore the world around them. Chewing also helps relieve the pain of teething. However, this doesn’t explain why your puppy seems to have a particular interest in biting your phone. One reason may be that your puppy is trying to get your attention. Biting is often a sign of excitement or frustration, so your pup may be trying to tell you that they want to play or that they’re hungry. Another possibility is that your phone smells like you, and your puppy is simply trying to satisfy their curiosity. Whatever the reason, there are a few things you can do to stop your puppy from biting your phone. First, make sure you provide plenty of chew toys for your pup to sink their teeth into. You should also try to redirect their attention when they start to bite by offering them a toy or treats. Finally, be patient and consistent with your training, and eventually your puppy will learn that biting is bad.

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