Silly Pup Decides To Chill Out In The Cat Tree

To get the kitty you must become the kitty. This dog took the saying a little too literally!

I love climbing onto the kitty tree stand! It’s so much fun to scratch, and I feel myself getting higher and higher. I can’t wait to see what’s at the top!

I’m pretty sure I’m a cat now. I mean, I feel like one. I have the same instincts and desires as a cat, and I love spending time perched atop the kitty tree stand. It’s like my second home. Not only that, but I’m convinced that I’ve gotten better at using the litter box since becoming a dog.

From up here, I can survey all of my territory and keep an eye on everything going on. It’s the perfect spot for napping, too — sunbeam optional but preferred. 

My cat friend is upset that I’m taking over her place on the kitty tree stand, but I can’t help it. It’s too irresistible! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a cat? They’re the coolest animals around. Plus, with this newfangled view, I can keep an eye out for any potential threats like that pesky squirrel raiding our bird feeder lately. All in a day’s work for a heroic cat such as myself.

I know that some people might think I’m crazy for thinking I’m a cat, but to them, I say, “meow.” I know what I am, and I’m happy with it. So let me keep climbing this tree and living my best life — like a cat.

Well, I could stay here forever. But eventually, my stomach starts growling, and I remember that I’m still a dog, after all. Time to go back down and see what my human has cooked up for dinner. Maybe they’ll even have a little something for me. After all, I’m their faithful furry friend.

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