Dog Is Extremely Jealous Of New Baby

Sadie is super jealous of baby Jaxx and voices her sorrows to her mom.

How do I stop my dog from being jealous of my baby?

It’s natural for dogs to feel jealous when a new baby is brought into the home. After all, they’ve been used to being the center of attention and suddenly they have to share your time and attention with someone else. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help your dog adjust to this new situation. First, make sure that you continue to give them plenty of love and attention. Set aside some time each day to play with them, and be sure to give them plenty of belly rubs and ear scratches. It’s also important to create a safe space for your dog, where they can go to relax and feel comfortable. This might be their bed or crate, or it might be a designated spot in the room where they can lie down without being disturbed. Finally, don’t forget to give your dog plenty of praise and treats when they behave well around the baby. With a little patience and effort, you can help your dog feel happy and secure in their new family dynamic.

Any new addition to the family can be tough on a pet, especially if they’re used to being the center of attention. Dogs are social creatures that crave companionship, so it’s only natural that they might feel a little left out when a new baby arrives. However, there are a few things you can do to help your dog adjust to the new arrival and prevent jealousy from becoming a problem. First, try to maintain as much of your dog’s routine as possible. If they’re used to getting two walks a day, make sure they still get at least one walk (even if you have to ask a neighbor or family member for help). Secondly, give your dog plenty of attention and affection, even when you’re busy with the baby. A few extra belly rubs will go a long way towards making your dog feel loved. Finally, be patient and consistent with training, and make sure everyone in the household is on the same page. With a little time and effort, you can help your dog overcome jealousy and enjoy being part of the family again.

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