Huxley wasn’t getting enough attention from mom on his flight from London to Ibiza, so he introduced himself to the people behind him.
Are dogs scared of airplanes?
It’s a well-known fact that many people are afraid of flying. But what about our furry friends? Are dogs scared of airplanes? It turns out that the answer is a little bit complicated. Dogs, like humans, can experience fear or anxiety in response to loud noises, unfamiliar environments, and other potentially stressful situations. However, not all dogs react to airplanes in the same way. Some may become agitated when they hear the engine noise, while others may remain calm and even seem to enjoy the ride. The best way to determine how your dog will react is to exposure them to small amounts of plane noise prior to takeoff. If they seem stressed or seem unwilling to enter the aircraft, it may be best to leave them at home with a trusted friend or family member.