Park Ranger Carries 100 Pound Dog On His Shoulders To Save His Life

Kris Salapek is a hero for saving the life of a dehydrated German Shepherd and carrying him down a treacherous mountain trail.

How do I keep my dog hydrated while hiking?

One of the most important things to remember when hiking with your dog is to keep them hydrated. Dogs can easily become dehydrated, especially in warm weather, and their bodies are not as efficient at cooling themselves down as ours are. There are a few ways to make sure your dog stays hydrated on a hike. First, bring along plenty of water for both of you and make sure to take breaks often to drink. You can also pack some wet towels or bring along a collapsible water bowl so your dog can have a drink whenever they need it. And finally, make sure to keep an eye on your dog for signs of dehydration such as excessive panting or drooling, reduced energy levels, or dark urine. If you see any of these signs, give your dog some water and take a break in the shade. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that both you and your dog enjoy a safe and fun hike.

Most dogs love the opportunity to stretch their legs and explore new smells on a hike. Hiking is a great way to exercise your dog and it can be a bonding experience for the two of you. However, some dogs may be hesitant about hiking if they are not used to it. It is important to go slowly at first and let your dog get used to the idea of hiking before you try to go on a long hike. If your dog seems uncomfortable, try taking a short hike first and then gradually lengthening the distance. With a little patience, most dogs will quickly learn to enjoy hiking.

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