Man Searches For His Dog For 3 Years And Then Finds Him Curled Up On The Sidewalk

Giorgi put up ads and searched for his missing dog, Jorge, for 3 years. Then an opera house called to say there was a dog in the street. The dog’s reaction to hearing his voice is so heartwarming.

Can dogs remember voices?

Have you ever wondered if your dog can really tell who you are, just by the sound of your voice? It turns out that dogs are pretty good at distinguishing between different people, based on the sound of their voice. Dogs have sensitive hearing, and they’re able to pick up on subtle changes in pitch, timbre, and other vocal cues. This means that they can tell the difference between two people even if they’re using the same word. In addition, dogs can also remember voices over long periods of time. So if you’ve been gone for a while and come back home, your dog will still be able to recognize your voice and may even get excited to see you. So next time you’re talking to your dog, don’t be surprised if they seem to understand every word you’re saying.

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