Loose Sled Dog Team Leads Police On Low Speed Chase

Jen Mignard was practicing for a mushing competition when she tipped and the dogs left her behind. Dash cam footage of the police officers shows them trying to stop the dogs as they run down the road.

Do sled dogs wear boots?

Sled dogs are a common sight in colder climates, where they are often used for transportation or racing. But do these hardy dogs really need to wear boots? It turns out that the answer is both yes and no. In most cases, sled dogs will wear some kind of boot or paw protector when they are working, as this can help to prevent injuries and provide traction on slippery surfaces. However, many mushers also allow their dogs to go barefoot when they are not working, as this can help to toughen up their paw pads. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to boot a sled dog is up to the individual musher, and some dogs may even switch between wearing and not wearing boots depending on the situation.

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