Elvis The Bulldog Puppy Reads His Mom The Riot Act

Elvis the adorable little puppy gives his mama Patches a few choice words.

How does a mother dog calm her pups?

A mother dog has many ways of calming her pups. One is through her scent. When a pup is born, it is covered in its mother’s scent. This scent is comfort and security to the pup, and it will often seek out its mother’s scent when it is feeling scared or nervous. Another way a mother dog can calm her pups is through touch. A mother dog will often lick her pups, which has a calming effect. She may also gently nudge them with her nose or lay down next to them. The physical contact helps the pups feel safe and loved. Finally, a mother dog can calm her pups by making soft vocalizations. These sounds are soothing to the pups and help them to feel calm and relaxed. Mother dogs use all of these methods to keep their pups safe and happy.

When a mother dog wants to calm her pups, she will often lie down with them and put her head on their backs. This position is known as the “American hold” because it is commonly used by mothers in the United States. The mother’s body weight keeps the pups from moving around too much, and the pressure of her head on their backs has a calming effect. This position also allows the mother to keep an eye on her pups and make sure they are not getting into trouble. In addition to the American hold, mother dogs will sometimes lick their pups’ faces as a way of calming them down. The licking motion is relaxing and can have a soothing effect on puppies. When mother dogs need to calm their pups, they will use whatever methods are available to them to ensure that their offspring are safe and healthy.

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