Husky Doesn’t Bark, She Talks And Makes Baby Laugh Hysterically

When this 5-month-old baby boy hears the Husky talk, he has the cutest laugh.

Do dogs like laughing?

Laughing is one of the many ways humans communicate. We laugh when we’re happy, when we’re enjoying ourselves, and when we’re relieved. It’s also a way to show support for someone else – like when we laugh along with someone who’s telling a joke. But what about dogs? Do they enjoy hearing us laugh, or does it just confuse them?

It turns out that dogs actually do respond to laughter. A study published in the journal Animal Cognition found that dogs were more likely to approach a person who was laughing than one who was speaking in a neutral tone. The researchers believe that dogs associate laughter with positive emotions, and so they’re more likely to approach someone who is laughing because they think they’ll receive positive attention. So next time you’re feeling down, try watching a comedy with your dog – you might just make their day.

Have you ever been laughed at by a dog? It’s not a pleasant experience, let me tell you. There’s something about the way they tilt their head to one side and bare their teeth that just makes you feel like you’re the silliest thing in the world. And yet, somehow, it’s still endearing. Dogs have a special way of making us laugh, even when we don’t want to.

But do dogs actually enjoy making us laugh? It’s hard to say for sure, but there is some evidence to suggest that they do. A study conducted by researchers at Hiroshima University found that when dogs were played recordings of human laughter, they exhibited a distinct physical response. Their heart rates increased and they wagged their tails more vigorously than when they heard other sounds, such as applause or neutral speech. This suggests that dogs find laughter enjoyable, even if they don’t always understand what it means.

So next time your dog makes you laugh, take it as a compliment. They might not be able to tell you how much they appreciate your sense of humor, but they certainly enjoy making you smile.

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