Carlos’ underbite is too cute, and he knows to show it when his owner asks him to.
My mom has been teaching me a new trick that she says will be the biggest hit on social media. Whatever that means. On this particular day, we are getting ready to head home from playing in the park. We played fetch with a frisbee, and there were many wonderful smells! I also visited my friends, chased a squirrel, and…
Sorry, I’m getting distracted just thinking about it! My parents loaded me into the backseat of the car. I was still so thirsty and needed more water! I couldn’t wait until we got home, so I visited my mama in the front seat. She told me to stay, and I did because I’m just such a good dog!
I just knew she would make me do the trick again when she took out that weird contraption… Ruh-roh! I’m just so thirsty and tired, and I don’t want to do any tricks! I quickly look at my dad, hoping he won’t make me do that trick again, but he just shrugs his shoulders and laughs. Now I’m really in a ruff spot because I want water, but I won’t get any water if I don’t do the trick!
Normally, a magical barrier stops me from sticking my head outside the car, but sometimes, it isn’t there if I’m really lucky. Maybe I can use it to avoid this pawful situation. No such luck! I can see my reflection from the barrier, which means it is up.
My mom gave me the command to do my new trick, just as I thought. I do it as perfectly and quickly as pawssible, so I don’t have to do it again. I knew I did it just pawfect because of the high-pitched noise that came out of her mouth!
After that, she got me a bowl of delicious water!