Bossy Toddler Teaches Great Dane Who’s In Charge

This 25-pound baby tells the 150-pound dog that he’s taking his bed and he needs to move.

Are Great Danes gentle with toddlers?

Despite their large size, Great Danes are often very gentle with smaller children. They are patient and tolerant, and they have a natural tendency to want to protect those who are weaker than them. This make them excellent companions for families with young children. Of course, every dog is different, and some Great Danes may be more energetic or excitable than others. However, as long as they are properly socialized and trained, they should do well around toddlers. With their gentle nature and loyal personality, Great Danes make lovely family pets.

While every dog is different and therefore has its own unique personality, there are certain breeds that are known for being particularly gentle. Great Danes are one such breed. Thanks to their large size, they may look intimidating at first glance. But in reality, they are gentle giants who love nothing more than spending time with their families. They are also patient and tolerant, making them ideal companions for young children. When it comes to toddlers, Great Danes are typically very gentle and loving. They are also protective of their young charges, and will often go out of their way to make sure they are safe. For all these reasons, Great Danes make great family pets – especially for families with small children.

While they may be best known for their size, Great Danes are actually gentle giants. Standing over three feet tall at the shoulder and weighing in at over 200 pounds, these dogs are truly impressive. But despite their imposing stature, Great Danes are affectionate and friendly animals that make great family pets. Thanks to their gentle dispositions, they are often used as therapy dogs in hospitals and nursing homes. And while they may look intimidating, they are actually quite gentle with children. In fact, Legend has it that the Great Dane was once known as the “German boarhound” because of their ability to track down and kill wild boars. However, today’s Great Danes are more likely to be found lounging on the couch than hunting in the woods.Though they may be best known for their size, Great Danes are gentle giants that make great family pets. Thanks to their gentle dispositions, they are often used as therapy dogs in hospitals and nursing homes. And while they may look intimidating, they are actually quite gentle with children.

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