Precious Bulldog Puppy Dreaming Is Too Much Cuteness

This 12-day-old Bulldog puppy twitches adorably while laying back, kicking those tiny legs and giving out little squeaks.

Why Do Puppies Twitch While Sleeping?

Most people have, at one time or another, looked at a sleeping puppy and noticed that its legs seem to be twitching. While this may look like the puppy is dreaming about chasing a rabbit, the truth is that scientists are not entirely sure what causes this phenomenon. Some believe that puppies twitch while sleeping because they are reenacting movements they experienced while nursing. Others believe that the twitching is a reaction to changes in brain activity during different stages of sleep. However, the most likely explanation is that twitching is simply a sign that the puppy is in a deep state of relaxation. So, if you see a puppy twitching in its sleep, there’s no need to worry—it’s just letting off some steam.

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