Missing Dog Refuses To Get Adopted At Shelter, Until His Owner Walks In

Wags was missing for 3 weeks and his owner put flyers everywhere. When they’re reunited at the shelter Wags makes the happiest noises.

Why does my dog make weird noises when excited?

One of the most endearing things about dogs is the variety of noises they make. From whines and barks to grunts and growls, dogs use their vocalizations to communicate a wide range of emotions. However, some dog owners may be perplexed by their pet’s strange noises, especially when they occur during moments of excitement. There are a few possible explanations for this behavior. First, some dogs may make a “high-pitched cry” when they are excited because they are trying to release excess energy. Second, some dogs may make noises as a way of showing their excitement and responding to their owner’s vocal cues. And finally, some dogs may make sounds that are simply the result of their physiology, such as when small breeds “yodel” due to their elongated larynxes. Ultimately, there is no need to worry if your dog makes weird noises when excited – it is just their unique way of expressing themselves.

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