Little Girl Defends Her Dog After Mom’s Accusations

Little Sierra could be an attorney someday as she defends her best friend Samson.

Can dogs feel blame?

Blame is an emotion that is complex and multi-layered. It often includes feelings of responsibility, guilt, and regret. While it is most commonly associated with humans, there is evidence to suggest that dogs may also be capable of experiencing blame. For example, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna found that dogs exhibited signs of guilt when they were caught stealing food. The dogs in the study avoided eye contact with their owners and displayed submissive behaviors, such as yawning and tucking their tails. These findings suggest that dogs may have a basic understanding of blameworthiness and can respond accordingly. However, it is worth noting that dogs are highly sensitive to their owner’s emotions and may simply be responding to cues from them. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm whether or not dogs are truly capable of feeling blame.

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