Clever Dog Unlocks Window And Sneaks Out Of The House

This dog kept sneaking out of the house, so the owners setup a camera to see how he was doing it.

Why does my dog keep escaping the house?

There are a number of reasons why your dog may be escaping the house. Perhaps they are bored and looking for something to do. Or, they may be trying to find a mate. If your dog is not spayed or neutered, this can be a strong motivator to get out of the house! Additionally, some dogs simply enjoy the thrill of exploring and may see your home as too confining. Regardless of the reason, it is important to take steps to prevent your dog from escaping. This may include obedience training, providing toys and enrichment activities, or building a secure outdoor enclosure. By taking these measures, you can help your dog feel more comfortable at home and reduce the risk of them running away.

If your dog is escaping the house, it’s important to figure out why. Once you know the reason, you can take steps to solve the problem. If he’s bored, make sure to provide plenty of toys and opportunities for exercise. If he’s anxious, help him feel more comfortable by creating a safe space for him inside the house and desensitizing him to things.

If your dog isn’t getting enough exercise or stimulation, he may start looking for ways to entertain himself. This can include digging under the fence or climbing over it. Secondly, he may be anxious or afraid. If your dog is afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks, he may try to escape the house in order to find a safe place to hide. Finally, he may simply be curious. If there is something on the other side of the fence that catches your dog’s attention, he may be motivated to escape in order to investigate.

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