Watch This Labrador Puppy’s Reaction When Baby Chickens Decide to Join Him in Bed

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Puppies: Natural Protectors of Baby Chickens

Puppies are known for their playful and curious nature. However, some puppies have been observed exhibiting protective behavior towards baby chickens. This behavior can be surprising to their owners, who may not have expected their puppy to take on a maternal or paternal role.

According to sources, puppies can become attached to baby chickens and see them as part of their pack. This can lead to protective behavior, such as guarding them from predators or cuddling with them to keep them warm. While not all puppies exhibit this behavior, it is not uncommon for certain breeds to have a strong maternal or paternal instinct towards smaller animals.

It is important for puppy owners to monitor their pets closely when introducing them to baby chickens. While protective behavior can be beneficial for the chickens, puppies can also accidentally harm them if they are too rough or playful. Proper training and supervision can help ensure a safe and positive relationship between puppies and baby chickens.

Puppies and Baby Chickens: A Unique Bond

Puppies and baby chickens may seem like an unlikely duo, but their relationship can be quite heartwarming. In fact, many puppies have a natural instinct to protect and care for baby chickens, forming a unique bond that is both endearing and beneficial.

Instinctual Protection

One reason why puppies are often protective of baby chickens is due to their natural instinct to protect their pack. As social animals, dogs have an innate desire to care for and protect those around them, including other animals. This protective instinct is especially strong when it comes to young, vulnerable animals like baby chickens.

When a puppy is introduced to a brood of baby chickens, they may immediately take on the role of protector, keeping a watchful eye on the little ones and even herding them around. This behavior is not only adorable but can also be beneficial for the chickens, as it helps to keep them safe from potential predators.

Observing Behavior

Another reason why puppies may be protective of baby chickens is due to their ability to observe and learn from their surroundings. Puppies are incredibly curious creatures, and when they are introduced to a brood of baby chickens, they will likely spend a lot of time observing their behavior and interactions.

Through this observation, puppies can learn to recognize the baby chickens as part of their pack and may even develop a sense of responsibility for their well-being. This can lead to the puppy becoming protective of the baby chickens and taking on the role of caretaker.

Overall, the bond between puppies and baby chickens is a unique and heartwarming one. Whether it is due to their instinctual desire to protect or their ability to observe and learn, puppies can form a special connection with these adorable little birds, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that is both fascinating and adorable to watch.

Factors Influencing Protective Behavior

Puppies can exhibit protective behavior towards baby chickens. However, this behavior can be influenced by various factors, including breed characteristics, training, and socialization.

Breed Characteristics

Different dog breeds have different characteristics that can affect their protective behavior towards baby chickens. For instance, some breeds have a strong prey drive, which may make them more likely to attack and harm the baby chickens. On the other hand, some breeds are known for their gentle and protective nature, which may make them more suitable for protecting the baby chickens.

It is important to research and choose a breed that is known for being good with small animals and has a low prey drive. Some examples of breeds that may be suitable for protecting baby chickens include Golden Retrievers, Great Pyrenees, and Australian Shepherds.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are crucial factors that can influence a puppy’s protective behavior towards baby chickens. Proper training can help the puppy understand that the baby chickens are not prey and should be protected. Socialization can also help the puppy develop positive associations with the baby chickens and view them as part of the family.

Puppies should be trained to obey basic commands such as “leave it” and “come” to prevent them from harming the baby chickens. They should also be supervised when interacting with the baby chickens until they have learned to behave appropriately around them.

In addition, socialization should begin at an early age to help the puppy develop positive associations with the baby chickens. Puppies should be exposed to different animals, people, and environments to help them become well-adjusted and confident.

Overall, breed characteristics, training, and socialization are important factors that can influence a puppy’s protective behavior towards baby chickens. By choosing a suitable breed and providing proper training and socialization, owners can help their puppies become reliable protectors of the baby chickens.

Benefits of Inter-Species Interaction

Inter-species interaction between puppies and baby chickens can have several benefits. This section will explore the benefits for both puppies and baby chickens.

For Puppies

Interacting with baby chickens can help puppies develop their protective instincts. Puppies that are raised around baby chickens tend to be more protective of them as they grow up. This is because they learn to recognize the baby chickens as part of their pack or family and feel a sense of responsibility to protect them.

Interacting with baby chickens can also help puppies learn important socialization skills. Puppies that are exposed to different animals at a young age tend to be more well-adjusted and less anxious around other animals as they grow up. This can be especially important if the puppy will be living in a household with other pets.

For Baby Chickens

Interacting with puppies can also benefit baby chickens. Puppies that are protective of baby chickens can help keep them safe from predators. Some dog breeds, such as the Great Pyrenees and the Anatolian Shepherd, were specifically bred to be livestock guardians and have a low prey drive, making them ideal protectors for baby chickens.

In addition to protection, interacting with puppies can also help baby chickens learn important socialization skills. Baby chickens that are exposed to different animals at a young age tend to be more well-adjusted and less anxious around other animals as they grow up. This can be especially important if the baby chickens will be living in a mixed-species environment.

Overall, inter-species interaction between puppies and baby chickens can have several benefits for both animals. It can help puppies develop their protective instincts and socialization skills, while also providing protection and socialization opportunities for baby chickens.

Challenges and Solutions

Potential Risks

When introducing a puppy to baby chickens, there are potential risks that need to be considered. Puppies are naturally curious and may see the chickens as prey. They may also accidentally harm the chickens by playing too rough. Additionally, the chickens may peck at the puppy, causing the puppy to become aggressive towards them.

Preventive Measures

To prevent any harm to the baby chickens, there are several measures that can be taken. Firstly, it is important to supervise the puppy and chickens at all times. This will allow the owner to intervene if necessary. Secondly, the puppy should be trained to be gentle around the chickens. This can be achieved through positive reinforcement training. Thirdly, the chickens should be kept in a secure coop or area that the puppy cannot access. This will prevent any accidental harm to the chickens.

In addition to these measures, there are other factors to consider. It is important to ensure that the puppy is up to date on all vaccinations and is parasite-free. This will prevent the spread of any diseases to the chickens. The puppy should also be well-fed and not hungry when introduced to the chickens. This will reduce the likelihood of the puppy seeing the chickens as prey.

Overall, with proper supervision and training, puppies can be protective of baby chickens and form a strong bond with them. It is important to take preventive measures to ensure the safety of both the puppy and the chickens.


In conclusion, puppies can be trained to protect baby chickens, but it requires proper supervision and training. Livestock guardian dogs such as Great Pyrenees or Anatolian Shepherds are known to be good with chickens and can be trained to protect them.

When training a puppy to protect chickens, it is important to start with basic obedience training and gradually introduce the puppy to the chickens while on a leash. Positive reinforcement techniques should be used to reward good behavior and discourage bad behavior.

It is also important to remember that not all dog breeds are suitable for protecting chickens. Breeds with high prey drives such as Beagles or Terriers may not be the best choice for protecting chickens.

Overall, with proper training and supervision, puppies can be trained to protect baby chickens and provide a valuable service on the farm.