Can You Name Something More Adorable Than These 21 Sleeping Puppies?

As much as we are little bundles of energy sometimes, even the most active dog needs some well-deserved downtime.  How else are we going to catch up on our beauty sleep? Between our funny poses and odd choice of locations to take a nap, sleeping puppy photographs can be pretty comical to look through. Here are the best 21 pictures of my friends and me catching some Zzzzs.

1. “If you sleep like you are the little spoon, we both can fit in our comfy bed together.”

dog sleeping with cat


2. “That’s the spot, right on the belly like that. Now cradle my head and support me. Yes, that’s the way.”

teddy bear dog


3. “Tucked in and warm for a little afternoon nap. Wake me up before dinner, please.”

sleepy fluffy puppy


4. “Sometimes when I get extra sleepy, my back feet come all the way up to my chinny-chin-chin.”

black dog sleeping


5.”Oh my! All that running around in the fresh spring grass has left me exhausted!”

cream puppy sleeping


6. “Do you know what’s better than snuggle time? Snuggle time with my brothers and sisters!”

puppy siblings sleeping


7. “Ya know, sometimes we need to be held a little extra tight at night. And, other times, we need to sleep in a sock. Then there are the times when we need both.”

dogs cuddling


8. “Good night, sleep tight, Mr. Bearington. Tomorrow is another day that will be filled with fun and adventure.”

white dog with toy


9. “I take my naps in a portable basket so you can still take me everywhere, even when the sleepies get the best of me.”

Puppy napping basket


10. “When you are extra adorable and extra wrinkled, nobody can tell if you’re an active participant in conversation or nodding off for a little power nap. I’ll let you guess which I am!”

squishy dog sleeping


11. “I know I have a fancy, comfy bed, but nowhere feels better than snoozing in my human’s lap.”

small white dog


12. “And streeeeetch…there we go. All snuggled and cuddled and wonderfully warm.”

fluffy puppy sleeping


13. “A Picture Perfect Pampered Puppy Peacefully Partaking in a good old-fashioned nap. (I dare you to say THAT three times fast!)”

dog cuddled on rug


14. “I swear I called shotgun! How did I end up getting stuck in the middle? Oh well, more warmth for me!”

puppy in middle


15. “Today’s To-Do List: Sleep, sleep, sleep, and more sleep. Check that one off as Done!”

beige dog sleeping


16. “Sometimes I pretend I’m camping with my humans and practice sleeping extra peacefully in a hammock.”

dog sleeping in hammock


17. “When you have super long legs like me, things can get a bit unwieldy during nap time.”

black dog sleeping


18. “Let me see, I have my stuffy, and I have my kitten friend. Yep! The gang’s all here!”

small dog hugging toy


19. “Who loves nap time and has two adorable puppy feet complete with toe beans? This guy right here!!”

dog nestled in sweater


20. “I’ll fill you in on a little-known fact. The sleepier puppies get, the more liquid they become.”

dog sleeping


21. “I’m going to hold this couch in place for you. Essential job. Must remain here to protect the couch.”

golden lab sleeping