Can You Blow Dry A Dog?

Absolutely! I am a very soft, curly and beautiful cockapoo, and blow drying is a very important step in my coat maintenance routine actually.

My mom does it for me after every shower, so I can feel super luxurious after a sweet-smelling shampoo.

Whilst it has the effect of making your pup’s coat look shiny and gorgeous, drying your pup is an important step in taking care of them.

Damp doggies are more susceptible to hot spots, a really nasty skin infection that can be very painful.

Plus, if you don’t properly rub us down and dry us off, our fur will dry in funny ways and lead to matting, knots or weird cowlicks.

You’ll have to pay to get us closely shaved, especially if your pup is a pretty, curly breed like me!

A human hairdryer is perfect for the job, as it gets hot enough to efficiently dry us off and works nice and powerfully, but it won’t get too hot and also has integrated cooldown functions.

I especially like to run in circles while my mom dries me.

However, in order to keep your furry friend safe, you need to bear in mind the following doggy dos and don’ts:

  • Stay a good few inches away from the pup’s fur – no need to get too close
  • Only ever use the dryer on the lowest setting!
  • Stay constantly moving and never hold the dryer over the same spot for more than a second
  • Gently introduce your pup to the dryer before you use it – it can be a scary experience because of the loud noise, and some treats certainly won’t go amiss!
  • Remember that not every dog is as beautifully behaved as me, and some just won’t accept the hairdryer unfortunately – don’t force it, as you’ll just distress them!

Is It Better To Cut Your Dog’s Hair Wet Or Dry?

It’s a good job you’re talking to a doggy diva, darling! It’s best to let your pup dry, whether naturally or with the assistance of a blow dryer, before you cut them.

You should definitely give them a wash beforehand though, as dirt can jam up clippers!

Unlike you humans – you do have a strange way of doing things! – it’s always best to start with a readily dried and perfectly clean, pampered pooch.

Think of them as a primed blank canvas to carve greatness out upon.

It will be much easier to see which hairs are too long and in the way if you let them dry.

For instance, my cockapoo curls sometimes get a little too long in the eyebrow department, so mom has to give them a trim so I can show off my gorgeous eyes!

One top tip is to only ever use the ends of sharp scissors when you’re giving the paws, face or tail a trim.

This means that if a rambunctious pup moves very suddenly, because he doesn’t have my patience, you’re less likely to hut them.

How Can I Dry My Dog Fast?

Besides hairdrying, which I’ve already barked on about above, your best bet is a towel.

If they’re a Good Boy or Girl, they’ll let you gently but efficiently rub them dry, being careful to take care around sensitive areas like the ears, face and tail.

Once they’re near enough dry, a quick run around in the breezy yard might finish them off perfectly.

Though, if they’re anywhere near as intelligent and inquisitive as me, they’ll want to roll around and sniff and explore, so it probably isn’t the best idea.

If your dog has an especially thick coat, you might have better luck wrapping a thick, absorbent towel around them and securing it for a while.

They might bite at it if you’re not careful, so be sure to keep an eye on them for the duration of the drying.

It’s possible to get a towel wrap or bag specifically designed for us fashion-forward pups, which are made from something my mom says is called microfiber.

They do a fantastic job at soaking up that water, though I’d much rather drink it if I could. 

How Do You Dry A Puppy After A Bath?

Now, I’ve been spayed – I’m not sure what that is, but I heard mom tell my sisters it means I can’t have any babies.

However, I know a lot about puppies because my family is obsessed with them for some reason, so I do have a bit of advice to share.

First things first, make sure that you have thoroughly rinsed every little bit of shampoo off if you used any, and be very careful when you’re rinsing.

Their little eyes are super sensitive, so use a washcloth to shield them.

Once you’ve ensured every soap sud is gone, it’s time to get out of the bath.

Like me, your puppy will probably want to have a good shake as soon as they’re out of the water – it’s instinctive, and we can’t help it. It just feels good!

In the wild, that’s how we’d dry off after a shower anyway, my mom says. Whatever the wild is.

Anyway, once the pup is all shook out, it’s time to firmly but carefully rub them down with your towel, again making sure to avoid the sensitive areas.

My mom says you need to use one hand to hold them still! I have seen firsthand – whilst in the kennels, I don’t want to talk about it – that puppies can be wriggly little blighters and are incredibly hard to chase after. Even I couldn’t catch them!

Then, on the lowest possible setting – even holding down the cold button if you think it’s too hot still – gently apply warm air from the tip of the tail to the top of their head.

Be sure not to startle… the hairdryer is scary at first! I’m speaking from experience.

Avoid focusing on the ears and nose, and never hover in the same place for too long.

Double check their back and behind the legs are totally dry and then voila! Your work here is complete, and you have one soft, lovely looking pooch.