Can Dogs Eat Dried Apricots?


Hello! My name is Fenton and I am an energetic Labrador who loves food! One food type I love most is fruit.

I find it delicious and nutritious but my owners are sometimes reluctant to feed me certain kinds of fruit.

Many fruits are considered to be very healthy for most dogs, especially when being fed to us as a treat, snack, or even incorporated into a meal.

However, like humans, not all dogs can eat all kinds of dried or fresh fruit. Some tend to be unsafe and can even have lethal outcomes for your pooch.

One fruit that my owner was eating last was dried apricots. I sat, licked my lips, and waited to share this delicious looking treat with them but they didn’t feed me any.

They said they had to check whether it was safe for me to eat dried apricots. After my owner picked up their phone, they began searching whether dogs can eat dried apricots or not.

I want to share with you what my owner found out but if you’re in a hurry and need to know immediately, then, yes, it is safe to feed dried apricots to your dog.

Despite this exciting news, there is a limit of how many you can feed your furry best friend as too much can cause side effects.

Before I have my afternoon nap and dream about chasing squirrels and cats, I want to discuss the benefit and negatives of feeding your dog dried apricots.

Is it safe for a dog to eat dried apricots?

Dried apricots are considered to be very healthy and nutritious. They are lipid-free meaning they contain no fat and are abundant in dietary fibers and vitamins A and C.

The question is, are these nutritious values as important for me and my hairy pals?

I and many other dogs are pleased to know that dried apricots are safe for dogs to consume but this depends on the number they are fed. This isn’t to say that all parts of a dried apricot are safe to give to a dog, however.

Some parts of apricots such as the leaves, skin, and their pit are considered toxic and should never be fed to a dog.

Therefore, if you decide to give your dog some dried apricots, ensure you never include skin, leaves, or seeds as these contain cyanide which can be lethal in large quantities.

The safer part of a dried apricot is the flesh. This can be given to dogs and can actually benefit their health.

When an apricot is dried or dehydrated, it is believed that toxic substances are removed making it safer for our bellies.

Nonetheless, you should avoid giving all parts to the dog, even when dried, to avoid possible harm.

It is recommended that you seek advice from your veterinarian as they will be able to identify any health concerns with your dog and can decide if it is safe to feed your best buddy dried apricots.

Different sized dogs and breeds, as well as their health status, can determine the number of apricots they can eat. For example, as a labrador, I can eat more dried apricots than my Pug friend Titan!

Dangers of feeding your dog dried apricots

As cyanide is a component of the seeds inside dried apricots, they can be unsafe for dog consumption. Although the flesh is very healthy, these seeds can cause cyanide poisoning in dogs. 

Cyanide is a strong inhibitor of enzymes that are vital for keeping a dog’s digestive system working healthily. Cyanide tends to cling to metabolic enzymes, causing a blockage.

Therefore, oxygen finds it harder to move through your dog’s cells resulting in serious illness. This can sometimes lead to a coma and death if not treated immediately. 

The flesh of dried apricots is generally safe but it can sometimes result in gastrointestinal issues.

This is why it is crucial you understand how much your dog can eat as too many dried apricots could cause diarrhea, vomiting, and more serious problems.

What dried fruits can dogs eat?

I and my furry pals are very good at scavenging for human food (as long as they’re not looking).

This means that we come across all kinds of food which may not be good for us but also other kinds that are perfectly healthy to consume.

While we can eat a range of human foods, (my favorite is steak) many foods can be toxic. However, when it comes to dried fruits, it’s important to know what you can and cannot feed to our rumbling stomachs.

Here are some dried fruits which dogs can eat:

  • Dried mango
  • Dried pineapple
  • Dried jackfruit

Dried mangos are non-toxic and contain natural sugars to give your pet an energy boost. Many brands contain added sugars that aren’t necessarily healthy for dogs as too many sugars can cause obesity and diabetes.

Dried mangos that only have natural sugars are very good for your dog’s health but always check the nutrition label first to ensure it has no added sugars.

The soft dried, fleshy bit of mango can be fed to your dog while the peel and pit should be avoided to prevent possible choking hazards.

Don’t feed too many mangoes as this can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Try and stick to one or two pieces a week.

Dried pineapples are safe as long as they are 100% natural with no additives or unknown ingredients.

Yet again, dried pineapples should only be fed in moderation, and ensure you make regular checks on your dog if they are eating them for the first time.

Any sign of diarrhea or sickness can be a signal that dried pineapples don’t agree with your dog’s health.

Dried jackfruit is another healthy snack but only without any additives and spices. Some dried jackfruits include spices that could upset your dog’s stomach so avoid these kinds.

Those made up of natural sugar, fiber, and water are safe to consume and the dried variety is very fun for us to chew on!

In Summary

Due to a healthy amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, the flesh of dried apricots can be a nutritious snack for dogs.

Avoid the seeds as these can be very harmful because of traces of cyanide.

That was tiring. Time for a nap!