Can Dogs Eat Collard Greens?

Any human who has been around a dog for more than 10 minutes knows that we will eat (or at least try to eat) anything. Does this mean we should? No, of course not! However, we are greedy little things and everything just looks so yummy to us – yes, even your shoes!

A question that gets asked time and time again is whether dogs can eat some of the same foods as humans. I mean, sure, we try to eat the food our humans eat (sometimes right off their plate in fact), but is this ok? Well, that’s where I come in. I am Todd the Beagle, food expert extraordinaire.

In this article, I will be exploring whether dogs can eat one food in particular – collard greens. Collard greens are a favorite of humans around the world, but are they safe for dogs? Keep on reading to find out more.

Are collard greens safe for dogs?

I want to start by saying that collard greens are indeed perfectly safe for dogs to eat. This leafy green veggie that has long been a favorite of humans is also a great snack for us dogs.

Collard greens are jam packed full of healthy nutrients that mean that collard greens are not only safe for your dog but can also benefit them.

Like most, it is always important to consult your veterinarian if your dog is already predisposed to certain health conditions. The reason for this is because some foods can have elements that some dogs are sensitive to.

Collared greens, for example, high in calcium. Now, in general, this is a good thing. However, in dogs that already have high calcium, it can have the opposite effect and can actually be very dangerous.

That being said, this is pretty rare, and most of us dogs can safely eat collard greens and reap some of the wonderful health benefits. Read on to the next section to find out what these are!

Are collard greens good for dogs?

The health benefits of collard greens are varied. As I have already told you, collard greens are high in calcium, and so that is one of the nutrients we can gain from them.

As well as calcium, collard greens (like all leafy greens) can provide your pooch with a healthy dose of iron and fiber to help keep us regular and to boost the immune system.

Collard greens are also an excellent source of vitamin K, riboflavin, folate, and protein, all of which your dog needs to help live a healthy lifestyle as possible.

These nutrients can help to promote a healthy-looking coat, as well as helping to prevent a number of diseases such as heart disease, anemia, and even digestive issues.

One thing that we should point out, though, is that collard greens’ high fiber content means that too much, and your dog could end up with diarrhea, so feed them collard greens in moderation (more on this in a later section).

What parts of collard greens are good for dogs?

In general, the leaves of collard greens are best for dogs. These will be easier to chew and digest, as well as having adequate amounts of fiber.

Whilst the stems are safe for humans, they contain too much fiber for our tummies and could make us sick!

Collard greens can also sprout flowers. These flowers are safe in very small amounts, provided they are very fresh (if you get them as soon as they bloom you can be sure they will be fine).

You should cook these well before feeding them to your pooch (more on cooking later!).

How much collard greens can I feed my dog?

Collard greens can be incorporated into your dog’s daily diet but only in small amounts.

It is a great source of fiber and other nutrients, but that does not mean you should overfeed your dog collard greens (or any other leafy greens for that matter). Just a small amount mixed with other food will be fine!

In terms of amounts, you should not feed your pooch more than half a cup at a time, adjusting it slightly depending on the size of your dog. This can be fed up to twice a day, provided your dog experiences no side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting.

If you are unsure you should always consult your veterinarian first, especially if your dog already has a sensitive tummy (hey, some of us do!).

Too much and your dog will be back and forth the yard all night (take it from a dog who has seen the after-effects of too much collard greens first hand…) and can even cause stomach pain and vomiting.

How can I cook collard greens for my dog?

Cooked collard greens are the safest way you can feed these veggies to your dog. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do this. Raw or uncooked collard greens may be more difficult for them to chew and digest.

Remember, when you are cooking anything for your dog you should not add salt, oil, fat, or any other seasonings such as herbs and spices. As such, the best way to cook collard greens is by steaming, boiling, or sauteing in a dry pan.

Ensure that you clean the collard greens first before removing the stems and cutting the leaves up into manageable pieces. Always let them cool before serving.

To serve you can give them a small piece as a treat or mix a small amount into their kibble or other food. You can also incorporate it into any homemade dog food you make.


To summarize, I am happy to inform you that collard greens are safe and that dogs can eat them.

Not only that, but they also have some excellent health benefits. Be sure to only feed your dog small amounts at a time, cook the collard greens well, and consult a vet if you are unsure.

Now, if you excuse me, my owner is cooking some collard greens in the kitchen, time to go and pester them! Woof!