I love to hover around my owners when they’re making food in the kitchen. The smells that come from foods like pumpkin pie and cinnamon rolls are heavenly.
They probably think I am hovering around to help them but the truth is, I’m just hoping I can taste some of these delights!
Last week my owner was making cinnamon rolls and I was “helping” as usual by staying close to their legs while keeping a keen eye on the countertop in case anything fell off. Well, my luck was finally in as some crumbs fell onto the kitchen floor.
As I rushed over to “clean” up the mess, my owner shouted and told me not to eat it. I was very sad as I had worked very hard standing there watching the food and smelling it.
Sadness soon turned to relief as I heard my owners discussing how cinnamon rolls are not very healthy for dogs.
Sugary diets are not healthy for us pooches, as well as humans. Too much sugar can cause digestive problems and serious illnesses down the line.
If you want to find out if you can give some cinnamon rolls to your dogs, the short answer is, not really. Although they are a delicious treat for humans, too much cinnamon can cause gastrointestinal upset such as diarrhea and vomiting.
Let’s discover the truth about cinnamon rolls and what problems can occur from feeding some to your dog.
Can dogs eat cinnamon rolls?
While cinnamon itself isn’t toxic to dogs, too much of it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. While cinnamon is the main ingredient, there are additional ingredients with these rolls such as icing sugar, macadamia nuts, and raisins.
Icing sugar can raise sugar and fat levels in the rolls leaving us pups at risk of heart disease and obesity. You should never feed your dog macadamia nuts as these are toxic to us and can cause serious health problems.
Raisins should be avoided as well because many dogs become very sick after digesting these fruits. They are even life-threatening to some dogs so it’s best to be safer than sorry.
As I mentioned, cinnamon buns and rolls are not toxic for dogs but they are certainly not healthy either. If I ate too much cinnamon, I will suffer from digestive problems as well as skin irritation.
Whether it’s a cinnamon powder or oil, your dog could start to show symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, low blood sugar levels, and coughing. It has been found that even a little more than a teaspoon of cinnamon powder can irritate most dogs.
Even lower quantities of cinnamon oil can cause sensitization where we overreact to certain stimuli such as a sound or physical touch.
My friend Bonzo ate cinnamon once and has been terrified of thunderstorms ever since. I just bark at them and that makes them go away eventually.
Health benefits of cinnamon for your dog
Cinnamon isn’t completely evil against dogs. As it is non-toxic for us, it actually has some health benefits too.
It is an excellent anti-inflammatory meaning it is beneficial for old dogs with arthritic conditions like Mr. Buster down the road from me. He’s 14! So old!
Cinnamon is also packed with antioxidants which are especially good for brain health and cognitive function. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, absorbs sugar in your dog’s food, and lowers insulin resistance.
If your dog has been living off a carbohydrate-rich diet, cinnamon can help slow down the absorption of sugar within the blood. Just ⅛ teaspoon of cinnamon per 15 pounds of your dog’s weight should be enough to achieve this.
Harmful ingredients in cinnamon rolls
As well as icing sugar, macadamia ants, and raisins, there are other harmful ingredients in these delicious looking rolls.
Nutmeg is one important part of these rolls but this spice can be very toxic to me and my dog friends. Feeding us this can cause serious medical issues such as seizures and hallucinations.
Although not added to most cinnamon rolls, chocolate is a common ingredient in many baked cookies or cakes. Unfortunately, this contains Theobromine which is dangerous for dogs to consume as we can’t digest it properly. The same goes for artificial sweeteners like Xylitol so keep these away from us at all times.
Even if a cinnamon roll doesn’t include any of these ingredients, there will always be sugar and fats within. Although safe in very small quantities, if I was fed this on a regular basis or ate large portions, it could cause painful pancreatitis that can be fatal.
To be on the safe side, it is best to avoid sharing your cinnamon roll with your faithful companion. We love most foods so if you want to feed us something different, make some homemade treats that are healthy instead. If your pet is like me, they’ll show gratitude with a wagging tail!
Healthy treats for dogs
There are so many healthy treats that you can feed your dog without having to worry about possible digestive problems and allergies.
Here are some food items that I and your furry best friend will love:
- Apples
- Green peas
- Green beans
- Carrots
- Cooked sweet potatoes
- Watermelon
- Bananas
- Broccoli
- Strawberries
- Cooked squash
- Blueberries
These healthy, natural treats are nutrient-dense to keep us energized, healthy, and happy. Unlike dog biscuits or similar treats, these are all very low in calories so we shouldn’t put on any weight.
As with any food, these should all be given in moderation and cut into smaller pieces to avoid choking hazards, especially in smaller dogs.
It is recommended you start with small portions to see how your dog’s GI (Gastrointestinal) tract reacts.
In Summary
Although I still love the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the kitchen, I know I should never eat one and you should never feed your dog any either.
Although cinnamon in small doses is not toxic to dogs, too much can cause medical implications. The added ingredients are the worst offenders as some are very dangerous and even deadly to our bodies.
Stick to dog treats and healthy alternatives and we’ll be very happy and healthy pooches. Until next time, I’m off to chase Jonty the squirrel again!