If I could, I’d eat all of the same great-tasting foods as my humans. Like many other dogs, I’m an enthusiastic eater with a great appetite.
Sometimes this can get me in trouble with my humans often catching me sneaking into the cupboards to try and get some food when I think they aren’t looking.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my daily meals but they can get pretty repetitive so I tend to be on the lookout for some tastier treats.
Over the years, I’ve tried many different types of food, some of which I have been allowed and others..well let’s just say I treated myself to them and soon paid the consequences.
I guess you could say I’ve become a sort of expert in understanding what we dogs can and can’t eat.
As we have different digestive systems from humans, it’s important to ensure that we are fed the correct things.
Unfortunately, if we end up eating the wrong foods we can become seriously ill. Although vegetables aren’t an essential part of our diet they can be beneficial and many do not present any harm to us.
In fact, some vegetables provide us with fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and carbohydrates which give us lots of energy.
If you are wondering whether your dogs can eat celery, I’ve answered this question for you below, along with the quantity in which we should be fed it if it is suitable for our consumption.
Celery is a versatile veggie that my humans often eat raw or cooked in soups, casseroles, and stir-fries. Celery is suitable for us to eat although there are safe and unsafe ways of serving it to us.
As celery is low in fat and cholesterol, it is a great weight loss treat for those of us who need to lay off the doggie treats. Because celery has many benefits it is often added to dog foods.
Some of us are fussier eaters than others. While I will personally eat anything that my humans put down in front of me, others are more hesitant and may not enjoy celery. I love the crunchy texture of celery and my humans like that it’s good for my teeth and gums and leaves my breath smelling fresher.
Although there are many benefits associated with eating celery, it is important to ensure that we are fed it in moderation. If we are fed too much, there is a risk of us becoming bloated or nauseous. You may also notice that we begin urinating more than normal or experience vomiting and diarrhea.
Many owners have concerns about feeding us celery leaves because they are exposed to potential pesticides and toxins. While you can wash the leaves to get rid of these toxins, you may wish to avoid feeding them to us.
Feeding Dogs Celery Safely
As we get our nutrients from our dog food, celery should be fed to us as a treat rather than a meal replacement. Unlike humans, we find it difficult to digest raw vegetables so there are certain ways of feeding it to us.
You should avoid feeding us large chunks of celery as this presents a choking hazard. Instead, it should be cut up into smaller chunks.
While some of us enjoy eating celery on its own, others prefer to have it mixed into their food. There’s also the option to blend it to completely get rid of any chunks. This can then be poured over our food.
Can celery kill dogs?
Celery is safe for our consumption so long as it is fed to us in moderation. Just like with many other vegetables, feeding us too much celery can increase the frequency in which we urinate.
Smaller dogs in particular can struggle to eat celery if the chunks are too large and this poses a potential choking hazard as they are not able to chew the pieces.
If we appear to get an upset stomach after being fed celery, you should stop feeding it to us and instead try feeding us other delicious, crunchy vegetables that do not have these effects on our stomachs.
How much celery should I feed my dog?
Although it can be difficult to resist our cuteness, it is important to ensure that we aren’t overindulged and are fed celery in sensible amounts.
Remember, it’s only a treat and not a meal so we should be given it in the same quantity as we would with any other treat. Treats typically contribute to around 10% of our diet, so it is important to look at how much food we are given.
Simply put, we should not be given the same amount of treats as food. It’s important to make sure that our diets are healthy and balanced.
What vegetables are bad for dogs?
While there are lots of fruits and vegetables that are safe for us to eat, there are some that you should avoid feeding us due to their toxicity.
Garlic, onions, mushrooms, rhubarb, and avocados can be harmful as they are poisonous to us. You should also avoid feeding us grapes and raisins as both fruits present a risk of kidney damage.
Final Thoughts
So as I’m sure you are aware by now, celery is suitable for us to eat. It has many health benefits and we find it super tasty.
Our appetites often mean that we want to eat lots of it all at once, but you need to ensure that we are fed it in moderation. If we eat too much, the benefits that it delivers can soon be overrun by an upset stomach.
It’s also very important to make sure that it is chopped up before being fed to us because otherwise there is a possibility that we may choke.
The leaves of celery can also be toxic if they are not washed properly beforehand. Remember that celery is a great treat to be included in our diet, but it should not replace our meals.