Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese?

Sometimes I wish I was a human. Human food always seems so much more exciting than the food that I’m allowed to eat.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my food because my human gives it to me, and my human is my favorite person in the whole wide world. But sometimes I fancy something different from meat.

Dog food is very heavily focused on meat, and I love meat, but sometimes I just fancy something a little different. Sometimes I just want some cheese.

All cheese smells amazing, apart from that one stinky cheese that my owner keeps in the fridge.

She calls it blue cheese, I’m not sure if that’s what it’s called or if that is just what she calls it because it is blue.

Despite its unpleasant smell, a big part of me wants to try this cheese to see if it tastes as bad as it smells.

But my owner won’t let me because blue cheese isn’t safe for consumption by us dogs. Let me tell you why.

Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese?

Even though a lot of human food isn’t good for us dogs to eat, it is okay for us to eat it in moderation.

The main concern surrounding us dogs eating human food is the high sugar and fat levels that are in most human foods which can make us dogs quickly become overweight and unhealthy.

But as long as we eat it only in moderation, most of the time these foods will not do us any harm.

But there are a few foods that you should never feed your dog because they can be toxic to us, and can also cause us to become very unwell. Blue cheese is one of these foods.

Blue cheese isn’t dangerous to dogs in the same way that raisins are, instead blue cheese is dangerous to us because it is made using fungus.

While the fungus used to produce this cheese isn’t poisonous to us dogs, we do have a sensitivity to it and become very unwell when we eat it.

Eating blue cheese can cause us to experience vomiting, diarrhea, and high temperatures. It has also even caused some dogs to experience seizures so it is best to avoid feeding your dog any blue cheese.

Even if it tastes good, nothing is worth the potential illness that it could cause.

Can Blue Cheese Kill Dogs?

Even though blue cheese isn’t poisonous to us dogs in the same way that raisins or garlic are, it could potentially kill us.

This is why you should never feed your dog blue cheese. As I have said, blue cheese is produced using fungus which can make us dogs very ill.

One of the possible effects of us dogs eating blue cheese is seizures, and seizures are incredibly dangerous and scary.

Some dogs experience seizures regularly due to a condition known as epilepsy, and this can be very life-threatening if not treated.

The seizures that blue cheese can cause in dogs can also be life-threatening to us dogs if we are not treated by a vet after consuming blue cheese.

However, we are only ever likely to experience these serious and dangerous side effects if we eat a large amount of blue cheese in one go.

So if your dog only eats a very small piece or a few crumbs, you probably don’t need to worry about it killing them.

Can Eating Cheese Kill a Dog?

As I said earlier, some types of cheese are perfectly safe for consumption by us dogs, but there are some which are dangerous.

However, just like humans, we dogs all have different intolerances and allergies, and some dogs are actually lactose intolerant. So if your dog is lactose intolerant, eating cheese can result in some very unpleasant side effects.

However, this doesn’t mean that if your dog is lactose intolerant that eating cheese will be fatal. The side effects of eating dairy if you are lactose intolerant are unpleasant, but they usually do not result in death.

Instead, you can simply expect digestive issues, as well as diarrhea and vomiting. All of which are unpleasant for your dog, and also for you when you have to clean up the mess that they leave behind.

Food intolerances usually only have side effects that are unpleasant immediately after eating them, but you should not continue to feed your dog dairy if you know they are lactose intolerant.

Continual exposure to a food that your dog is intolerant of can lead to more serious stomach and digestive problems which could even lead to premature death.

So if your dog is lactose intolerant, you should not feed them cheese.

What Kind of Cheese Can Dogs eat?

If your dog isn’t lactose intolerant, then some cheeses are perfectly safe to feed them. You shouldn’t feed your dog human food all of the time due to the high fat and sugar content, but in moderation, it can make a great treat.

In particular, we dogs love it when the cheese is added to our food, especially if we seem to have gone off of our food. All it takes is a few sprinkles of cheese but it completely transforms the taste and ensures we will eat the entire bowl.

As I have said, you shouldn’t feed your dog blue cheese as it is produced using fungus, but low-fat cheeses are completely safe for us dogs. These cheeses include goat cheese, mozzarella, and cottage cheese.

In particular, cottage cheese is a great choice to give us as a treat as it has fairly low-fat content, and is also fairly low in lactose which reduces the risk of us getting an upset stomach.

But we should only ever be fed cheese as a treat as if we were to eat it every day it could result in us becoming obese. This will limit our ability to run around and have fun, so we dogs should only ever be fed human food in moderation.


In short, no, we dogs cannot eat blue cheese. It is made using fungus which can make us incredibly ill and cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures.

So you should never feed your dog blue cheese, not even as a treat.