The long and short of it is yes and no. My human feeds me apples all of the time, but she always wonders if I can eat applesauce.
The real answer is yes we can, provided that it meets certain specifications. We can only eat small quantities of applesauce, and we should only really be eating applesauce that is 100% apples.
Apples contain a lot of sugar. When we eat them as a fruit, there is a lot of fiber that we ingest alongside the sweet fruit. This is very beneficial for our health and helps to regulate our bowel movements. With applesauce there is a lot less fiber, meaning that the ratio to sugar is much higher.
Us doggos are particularly prone to diabetes. This means that we need to minimize the quantity of sugar ingested to prevent this disease from onsetting. There are a lot of benefits to eating apples, such as vitamins C and K, and calcium.
Please do not feed us apple seeds, leaves, or stems. These all contain cyanide compounds which can be very dangerous to our health.
They are very toxic to doggy health and should never be fed to your dog. This is where applesauce comes in handy – all of these dangerous compounds have been removed making it totally safe for your doggo to eat.
Can applesauce be dangerous for dogs?
If your applesauce contains manmade or chemical compounds, it can potentially cause health issues with your dog. These include things like colorings, chemical preservatives, and pesticides. You should only feed your dog organic and sugar free applesauce as these pose much less of a health risk.
As I said earlier, we dogs are very prone to diabetes. This means that our humans need to control the quantity of sugar in our diets to ensure we do not suffer ill health.
Please do not feed us too much applesauce as this has a lot of sugar. It should never be a daily component of our diets and should be used as a treat. As a general rule, do not allow applesauce to make up more than 5% of your dog’s weekly diet.
A single teaspoon of applesauce is sufficient. It may not seem like much, but trust me, it’s the highlight of my week.
My human lets me lick it off her finger and I love it! When she’s feeling more lazy she’ll just add it to my food bowl, but this is not as fun for me.
It’s not a good idea to feed us straight from a small spoon. This is because we are not the most controlled, and in our excitement we can accidentally swallow the spoon. This could lead to us choking and is obviously very dangerous.
Can dogs have Mott’s applesauce?
As I have already mentioned, our delicate bodies cannot handle too much sugar. This means that it is imperative to check the ingredients in any human food before you feed it to us. Mott’s applesauce has ascorbic acid, apples, high fructose corn syrup, and water.
High fructose corn syrup is a refined, artificial sugar. This is really bad for us, as we have not evolved to handle commercially produced food additives. It is really a bad idea to feed us Mott’s applesauce.
You can easily make your own applesauce to feed to your dog. We really appreciate this; we understand the love and care that goes into making it.
All you need is a few apples and a large pot of water. You should peel the apples completely and then place them in a pot of water whole. Place the pot over a medium heat and allow the apples to boil for between 15 and 20 minutes.
Once the apples have softened sufficiently, you should strain them through a sieve. Ensure you press out all of the seeds, stems, and leaves. You should be left with a relatively smooth apple puree that is completely safe to feed to your dog.
A fun summertime treat for us is frozen apple pops. Simply put some of your homemade applesauce into ice cube trays or popsicle molds. Place them in the freezer and leave for a couple of hours to freeze solid. This is my favorite way to cool off in the hot summer months.
Can apples give dogs diarrhea?
While not the most common issue, this can be a problem. Apples, when fed in excess, can cause diarrhea in dogs.
This is particularly prevalent in puppies, who have a less developed digestive system. You should avoid feeding puppies applesauce as diarrhea can lead to life-threatening dehydration.
What does cinnamon do to dogs?
In small quantities, cinnamon will not do any harm to us. That being said, if we eat a lot it can have serious health implications such as digestive irritation and potentially poisoning.
If your dog chews on cinnamon sticks they may experience some irritation in their mouth. If we inhale cinnamon powder then it can impede our breathing and we may cough and choke.
In the worst case, consuming cinnamon can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drops in blood sugar, liver disease, and a change in our heart rate.
Anything less than a teaspoon is unlikely to cause harm, but it is always smart to contact a veterinarian if your dog consumes cinnamon.
What seasoning is safe for dogs?
It may not always seem like it, but we have quite discerning palettes.
There are many seasonings that are unsafe for dogs, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t spice our meals up occasionally. Safe spices for your pup include basil, ginger, parsley, and turmeric.
Basil can be used to alleviate the pain associated with arthritis and can be an effective stress reducer.
Ginger is both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is a really great way to help reduce nausea and stomach issues without the need for resorting to medicines.
Parsley is a great remedy for bad breath and helps to improve the functionality of our organs.