We dogs absolutely love treats, and if your pup is anything like me, then they’ll be greedy if you give them half the chance to be. What can I say, it’s in our nature.
We’re not fussy animals. That being said, the fact we’re greedy creatures doesn’t automatically mean that every type of food is safe for us to eat.
I’m speaking from experience when I say I’ve had my fair share of tummy upsets.
However, humans that are new to owning a dog or are simply curious might be wondering: can dogs eat almond butter?
So, let’s take a look.
Which nut butters are safe for dogs?
There is an array of nut butters out there that are safe for dogs to eat in small doses.
Although that being said, you wouldn’t want to give them to us in very large quantities and you will also need to take into consideration your own dog’s personal food sensitivities and allergies.
This is because we dogs can have very sensitive stomachs and can be prone to allergies. Alongside this, nut butters can be a very rich human food that we’re just not used to, so take caution!
The nut butters that are safe for dogs include:
- Peanut butter. As arguably the most common nut butter you’re likely to have in your pantry, the majority of peanut butters are safe to feed your pooch. You can rest easy knowing that peanut allergies are extremely rare in dogs and unless you’re informed otherwise by your veterinarian, then your dog can continue enjoying peanut butter within moderation.
- Almond butter. For the majority of dogs, almond butter is also safe for us to consume. However, not all dogs can digest almonds so well, so you’ll only want to give it to us sparingly to be on the safe side. Your furry friend can enjoy the occasional taste of almond butter, just don’t go overboard. I’m speaking from experience when I say their tummies will thank you!
- Cashew butter. In small doses, cashew butter also makes a yummy treat for we dogs. Moderation is key when it comes to feeding your pup nut butters, so just apply the same rule to each of these three nut butters whilst you figure out which one is your dog’s favorite.
However, there are some nut butters that you should avoid giving your dog at all costs.
- Macadamia nut butter. This nut butter is an absolute no-go for your pup, as macadamia nuts are actually toxic for dogs. As macadamia nuts are a very fatty food, in some rare cases we dogs may experience an inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) after eating them. Dogs who eat macadamia nuts most commonly experience weakness in the back legs, vomiting, and diarrhea, so it isn’t something you should be feeding us.
- Pistachio butter. Eaten in large quantities pistachios can cause gastrointestinal distress, obesity, and pancreatitis. Although pistachios are not directly toxic to dogs, they are not recommended. Avoid!
- Walnut butter. Apart from the risk of intestinal obstruction and stomach irritation, walnuts can be toxic to dogs. Moldy walnuts of any variety can contain fungi called tremorgenic mycotoxins, and if your dog is exposed to it, they can have seizures and other dangerous neurological complications which you want to avoid.
If your dog accidentally eats any of these nut butters, you should call the veterinarian as soon as possible as failure to do so could be fatal.
Can dogs eat almond butter?
Yes, dogs can eat almond butter with the caveat that it shouldn’t be a regular treat.
Dogs are generally sensitive to nuts, so if you do like to give them this snack as a treat, then do it sparingly.
Does almond butter hurt dogs?
In small amounts, no – almond butter is generally safe to provide to your dog. Almond butter actually has a substantial advantage over peanut butter when it comes to vitamin E.
We canines need vitamin E for a healthy skin and coat, and it can help us to maintain our immune systems, muscle growth and development, and heart health.
If you really want to include this treat into your dog’s diet, introduce it slowly. As with any kind of drastic change, you want to make sure that we dogs have time to adjust to anything foreign.
This will give you the opportunity to notice any allergies, or if we become sick. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all type of situation, so patience is key when it comes to mixing up the foods that you’re giving your pooch.
That being said, this is dependent on the dog itself. If your dog has an incredibly sensitive stomach, however, it might be less hassle to find a different alternative.
Can you put almond butter in a Kong?
Yes – you can absolutely put almond butter in a Kong, it’s my doggy friends and I’s favorite way of eating this nutty treat as it’s like a game, too!
We dogs love to chew, so if you don’t give us a toy of some sort to play with, then it’s likely we’ll find something else around the house to chew on.
You need to reward your dog for chewing on the appropriate toys, and rewarding them with a treat inside is a great way of doing this with a Kong!
Every time we dogs work on a Kong, we are being reinforced for this behavior by both the physical and psychological satisfaction, as well as the delicious almond butter inside.
It also stops us from eating the almond butter too quickly, as we canines will wolf anything down if you give us half the chance!
In summary
Yes, your furry friend can enjoy the occasional taste of almond butter. However, not all of us dogs can digest almonds well. So, while they’re not toxic, user discretion is advised with this nutty treat.
Take it from me, they’ll go mad for the sweet, delicious taste of almond butter, but the key to keeping we canines’ stomach’s happy is to not go overboard. Your pooch will thank you for it!