Can Dogs Eat Acorn Squash?

As a dog, I feel obliged to tell you that your suspicions are true. We will eat anything we can get our paws (or is that jaws) on.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we should, and can often lead to us eating things that can make us really sick.

Some of the things we eat (shoes, phone charging wires, homework) are things that humans and dogs alike know aren’t meant to be eaten.

However, there are some things we eat that cause confusion. Typically, these things are human foods.

The fact is, there are many human foods that exist, many of which are very good for us (meat is the main one), but some that can make us sick or even kill us (grapes and chocolate, we’re looking at you!).

This can lead some humans to be too afraid of feeding their dogs any human food. They do this to protect them, of course. However, this means that there are often many delicious and healthy foods that dogs wind up missing out on.

Luckily for you, I am a dog who just so happens to be a food expert. Doctor Daisy the Dachshund here. In this article I am going to be taking you through one of the most commonly asked questions regarding a dog’s consumption of human food – can dogs eat acorn squash?

So, if you have ever wondered the same, this article is for you.

Is acorn squash good for dogs?

Acorn squash, like all types of squash, is totally safe for your dog. In fact, it is a very healthy food that you can incorporate into your dog’s daily diet.

The reason for this is because of the beta carotene that is present in it. Beta carotene is great for dogs and humans alike because of the excellent health benefits it yields such as helping the immune system and boosting eyesight.

As if that wasn’t enough, it also contains vitamin B6 and folate. These nutrients can aid the digestive system of your dog, as well as promote a shiny coat (think of it like a mini trip to the salon! – hey, dogs like to look good too!).

As with all types of squash, acorn squash is packed full of fiber. Fiber is a very important element in the diet of most animals. Dogs are no different. It promotes a healthy digestive system, and, in truth, keeps us regular if you know what I mean…

This means that, when fed to dogs in moderation, acorn squash can yield many wonderful health benefits. Best of all (at least in my opinion) is that it tastes so good.

This means that dogs will enjoy some acorn squash as a treat, and the humans can rest safe in the knowledge that our new treats are giving us a ton of wonderful health benefits.

Can dogs eat the skin of acorn squash?

In a small amount, the skin of the acorn squash is fine for dogs. This is because there are no known toxins that can make a dog sick.

However, because it cannot be as easily digested as the rest of the squash, it is not really recommended that you feed it to your dog. It may also pose a choking risk for your pooch.

Something that you should definitely keep in mind is raw, uncooked skin. You should not feed a dog raw or uncooked acorn squash skin.

This would be very difficult for the dog to chew and even harder to digest. This could, in turn, cause issues within your dog’s digestive system or cause choking even more than cooked skin.

Similarly, the guts and seeds inside the acorn squash should also be avoided. These could be difficult for your dog to digest and may even cause diarrhea and vomiting. It is best just to feed them the flesh (provided it is well cooked).

How do you cook acorn squash for dogs?

Cooking acorn squash is the safest way to incorporate it into your dog’s diet. You can cook it any way you wish, but the best and safest way would be to boil it or roast it.

It is very important that you only ever cook acorn squash plain. Do not be tempted to add salt, oils, fats, or any kind of seasonings such as herbs and spices. These could make your dog very sick.

To cook it you should begin by cutting and peeling your acorn squash. Ensure it is clean and free of dirt as well as any signs of browning or mold. It is wise to feed your dog only organic produce so that you can be sure that it is free of pesticides, herbicides, and any growth chemicals.

When it is prepared you can either put it into a pan full of water and bring it to a boil. When it is at the boil you can simmer it until it is soft.

How long it takes to soften will depend on how thick the pieces of squash are. You can keep checking by pricking a fork into a piece. When they are soft enough remove them from the heat, drain them, and let them cool.

If you are roasting it you can place it on a baking sheet, using a very small amount of dog safe il to stop it from sticking. Roast it at 350 degrees for around 45 minutes (or until soft). Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Your cooled pieces can now be fed to your pooch. You can either feed them small pieces as treats or you can mix some with their food. Feed it to them in small portions, being sure to consult your vet if you are ever unsure.


To summarize, I am happy to confirm that not only can dogs eat acorn squash, but it is also very beneficial for them, providing them with many nutrients they need to live a healthy life.

In fact, as a dog myself, I can happily attest to the fact that it is tasty and healthy! Now, excuse me whilst I go and bother my owner for some more squash… woof!