So as a dog who can’t work and can’t cook, most of the time, the humans are the ones that keep an eye on me and take care of me. I rely on them a lot to give me food and water, keep the place clean and warm, take me out on walks and so much more! They’re so nice to me, and in return I try to be a good boy and help where I can.
When my humans brought home a new human pup, I knew this was a perfect way for me to help. I mean, I remember how my mom would try to wrangle us all in – babies take a lot of energy!
So whenever the humans leave the human pup alone, I make it a point to keep him extra safe.
I Watch Over the Small Human While He Sleeps
Small humans need someone to keep an eye on them at all times, but even more-so when they are sleeping! It’s so easy for babies to roll into uncomfortable positions or get nightmares while sleeping, so I just sleep next to the small human. This way, I can make sure that he stays safe and happy!
And don’t get me wrong – I get pretty comfy myself! I love my doggie bed, but human beds are just so SOFT!
The Small Human Is Part of My Family
Some dogs get jealous whenever someone new is added to the family – not me! I love whenever our family gets bigger. On top of having me and the human pup, my humans also have a fish, and they used to have some birds too. The more the merrier!
I consider this human pup part of my family, so I make sure that he’s always happy and healthy when he’s awake too. I block the TV if there’s something that might scare him, I always make sure he has his sippy cup, and so much more!
My humans always feel super safe and calm when I’m around the baby. They know he’s in good paws.
I Love the Small Human
But most importantly, I love this human pup! It’s hard work keeping an eye on him, but seeing him happy and healthy makes it all worth it! Plus, he keeps me energized. I have to find the energy to keep up with him crawling all over the place, and taking away stuff that’s way too small for him. My humans always seem super tired and grateful for the help, too.
It’ll be super fun seeing this human pup growing up. It’s gonna be so fun playing fetch with him and running in the park! And if my humans have another human pup? Even better! I hope our family gets even bigger if my humans want!
The Small Human’s Bed Is Also Comfortable
Like I said, the bed is super comfy! I mean, I could nap here forever. The pillows are super cozy and soft, the blanket is warm, and the bed is placed perfectly so we get just enough sunlight where it’s comfortable without keeping us awake. Can you say ‘best nap ever’?
Well, the baby seems happy with his new family so far. I hope he stays happy here!