My eyes reveal a lot about my emotions. Just by looking at me, you know when I’m excited, when I’m sad (like when you leave for work), or when I’m feeling love for you. So yes, we can be pretty expressive with our peepers. But want to know a few more exciting facts about our eyes?
- We don’t see the world like you do. For us, things might look a little grainier and a lot less vibrant.
- People used to believe that dogs were color-blind, but in reality, we can see colors, just with a different spectrum.
- We’re somewhat nearsighted with our vision in the 20/75 range. This means that the visual acuity that we see at 20 feet is similar to what you would see at 75 feet.
- Dogs can see about seven times better in low or dim lights than you can.
Pretty cool stuff, huh? Enjoy these photos of my brothers and sisters showing off their best “looks.”
1. “I don’t think I could possibly love you any more than I already do.”

2. “Please tell me you did not just say we were going to the vet!”

3. “I ate lunch and finished all of my chores. Can I go with you to the park, please?”

4. ‘You might think I don’t know what you’re doing. But I’m watching you.”

5. “As I look around and survey my surroundings, I must say I approve of your home improvements.”

6. “Wait, Mom. Your thumb is in the way, and I might chomp right down on it.”

7. “Hi, Mrs. Brown. Can Mary Beth come out and play?”

8. “I’m sorry if looking into my eyes is giving you a headache, but this is how I’m made. And besides, I think they’re pretty special.”

9. “Look, Mommy. I’m getting so big. I can almost climb over this giant fence.”

10. “No, I don’t mind that you’re having guests over. As long as they don’t mind that I’ll be sitting right here when they come by.”

11. “I’m doing my best wolf impersonation. What do you think? Pretty intimidating, right?”

12. “What do you mean you have to go? You’re not leaving me forever…again, are you?”

13. “And this is how I do the, ‘please feed me’ look. It gets to them every time.”

14. “Thanks for reading me a bedtime story, Mommy. I’m feeling sooo sleepy.”

15. “Please can we go sledding? Please. I’ve already invited the guys over.”