15 Dogs Wearing Noise-Canceling Headphones During Fireworks or Storms

I have to admit right up front. I’m not a big fan of wearing headphones…or anything else on my head for that matter. I’m touched that you might want to share your music with me, but I just don’t appreciate that Taylor Swift tune like you do. Besides, our hearing is so much more sensitive than yours. You could seriously damage our hearing.

On the other hand, a device that might be very useful for us are those noise-cancelling headphones. For example, most dogs (like me) are terrified of loud noises from fireworks, firecrackers, and thunderstorms. So placing one of those nifty headsets over our ears just might help keep us calm. It’s worth a try, right? I might even ask my Mom for one.

Here are some fun pictures of my friends chillin’ with their headphones!

1. “In addition to looking extremely cool, I love these noise-canceling headphones. Why wasn’t I introduced to these sooner?”
dog headphones

2. “Ma, I don’t want the headphones. I respect your choice of music, but I am not a Metallica fan, okay?”
dog headphones

3. “Wait, I know this song…let me listen more closely.”
dog headphones

4. “Guys? I’m about to take a snooze, and I do not want to be disturbed. Note the noise-canceling headphones.”
dog headphones

5. “Dude! An oldie but a goodie! I love this song! Thanks for sharing.”
dog headphones

6. “Oh, yeah. I do hear it. If you play ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ backward, you can hear ‘Paul is dead.’ Creepy but very cool.”
dog headphones

7. “Mom, you are the best! A noise-cancelling headset and a little back massage will put me right to sleep.”
dog headphones

8. “Thanks for the iPhone, but my paws are a bit too big for the buttons. A little help, please?”
dog headphones

9. “Ahhhhh! This Lady Gaga song is sooo good! I can rock out to it all day!”
dog headphones

10.  “Did you bring the salami and cheese? I brought the tunes! This picnic is going to be the so great!”
dog headphones

11. “Yo, brah! I am so down with this Lil Baby song! ‘The Bigger Picture’ is my new anthem!”
dog headphones

12. “Aren’t vacations the best? I could lay here all day, listening to my tunes.”
dog headphones

13. “Look how the babes are checking me out. I look so cool, strutting my stuff with my headphones.”
dog headphones

14. “These meditation audios are so great. I can already feel the tension leaving my body. Breathe in…Breathe out…Breathe in…Breathe out…”
dog headphones

15. “You guys should listen to this podcast on finances. I had no idea I could invest my money this way.”
dog headphones

I wanted to wrap up with some helpful tips for those of you dog moms and dads who want to take extra special care of our ears, here are some helpful tips.

Keeping your dog’s ears in shape is one of the easier grooming tasks. All you need is a gentle ear wash that helps relieve itching and gets rid of waxy buildup. Just place a few drops in each of our ears, or put some of the liquid on a cotton ball and swab gently around visible inner area of the ear, taking care not to push the cotton ball into the ear canal. You can also look for ear wipes. They come pre-moistened and easily remove earwax. Just pull one out of the package and gently wipe around the ear canal. Make sure the wipes are alcohol free and are formulated to be gentle and soothing for dogs.