When most people think of donating to charity, they think of giving money or goods. But did you know that you can also donate your time by referring others to view content on the internet?
In this post, we’ll show you how to do just that and we’ll even donate a meal to shelter dogs for every person who clicks through.
So please share this post with your friends and family and help us make a difference!
75. Old man doggos slowly trotting to their owner
74. 10 years ago and now
10 years ago and now from aww
73. Doggy has asthma and requires multiple nebulizations. But as long as he has his ducky with him, he knows he is gonna be ok.
Doggy has asthma and requires multiple nebulizations. But as long as he has his ducky with him, he know he is gonna be ok. from aww
72. Sushi’s proud moment
Sushi’s proud moment from aww