Sweet Dog Cries Every Time Mom Drops Son Off At School

Dixie tries her best to keep her best buddy from getting out of the car, but when the boy gets out to walk into school, she is heartbroken. She whimpers in the backseat without him.

One thing you can always count on about us dogs…we love to help. We’ll help you with anything: your homework, your housework, your office work. You don’t even need to ask, because most likely we’re already sitting right there next to you, and we can see that you need us.

Take studying for example. Here are some ways I can help.

  • I can sit on the page that you’re trying to read.
  • I can lick you while you’re studying.
  • If you hold me while you’re reading, the information sinks in better.
  • My sitting on your lap while you’re at the computer helps you type faster.

So, yeah. We can be pretty useful. Here are some other helpful tips.

1. “I just love Shakespeare, and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of my favorites. Look at this passage right here: ‘Nay, if our wits run the wild-goose chase, I am done, for thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of thy wits than, I am sure, I have in my whole five. Was I with you there for the goose?’ Beautiful.”
dog reading a book

2. “Yo, cat! Helping Missy study is my job. Time for you to get down!”
dog reading a book

3. “It’s quite simple, actually. Write down what I tell you and follow along.”
dog reading a book

4. “This book is so good. I just can’t put it down.”
dog reading a book

5. “I can think of better ways for me to help you than being your writing table.”
dog reading a book

6. “See, Janie. I told you if you hold me tight, you’ll better understand your homework. I’m so good at finding solutions.”
dog reading a book

7. “Oh, Dad. You’re gonna need my help. This is all wrong!”
dog reading a book

8. “No, no. The information you’re looking for is on this page. Trust me. I’m an expert on this subject.”
dog reading a book

9. “Let me read this over carefully…hmmm. Yes, okay. I do agree with your interpretation. Humpty Dumpty did break apart after the fall.”
dog reading a book

10. “I can’t believe I’ve been reading all day. Wow. I need to rest my eyes.”
dog reading a book