This is priceless! This dog adores tennis balls and enjoys playing with them and catching them in his teeth. Only to make this lovely dog happy and well-exercised, a local tennis coach brought 300 used tennis balls.
The dog picks up the first tennis ball as soon as it hits the ground, he has so much energy and enthusiasm after seeing the ball, and it’s hilarious!
What’s going on? Where did all these balls come from? He can’t contain his enthusiasm! Is this dog’s heaven, or what?
A few dozen more plummeted to the ground all at once! It’s raining tennis balls out there! What a spectacle, this dog has never been happier. The things he likes most are falling from the sky, insane!
He is so ecstatic that all of them have come down, even if half of them are hitting him. It appears like the youngsters want to join in on the fun as well! Incredible! Thanks to this tennis teacher, the dog has hit the jackpot.
Why Do Dogs Go Crazy For Tennis Balls?
The simple answer is the natural instinct to chase and kill prey.
Most dogs live in a kennel where they spend all day with their noses shoved in other dog’s behinds who must seem perpetually on the move, so when you buy your pup a ball or two that stays in place, it stimulates his predatory drive which we humans interpret as “craziness” and an unceasing desire for play time. For example: think back to how alive you felt chasing frogs and collecting bugs when you were a little kid. Remember how every day seemed like Easter? I’m guessing that there was not much making of nests or hunting of slow-moving prey happening. And this is really what drives the dog crazy about tennis balls.
Why Are Dogs So Obsessed With Tennis Balls?
Dogs are extremely intelligent. Tennis balls are high quality, durable toys that move unpredictably when thrown–which keeps your dog on their toes!
Additionally, the rubber of a tennis ball has a unique feel to it. Some dogs can play fetch with other objects–sticks/balls, for example–but the rubber loses its bounce after multiple throws and breaks apart too easily to be an effective toy for them to play fetch.
Finally, some believe that rolling up dirty socks for your pup is better than buying them proper plush toys because they last longer.
Why Do Dogs Go Crazy For Balls?
It is hard to say exactly why this is true, but we believe that there are many factors at play. When playing fetch and retrieving the ball, they obtain a reward of food (in some cases). They also obtain a reward of food when eating dog treats. Maybe they find the rubbing of their face on an object rewarding? And in addition to obtaining rewards when playing with balls, dogs do spend most days searching for fun objects or interesting smells in things like garbage cans, boxes…etc. So you might imagine that when encountering a new object in one’s explorations it would be easy for us to derive the conclusion that this was something very cool!
Do Dogs Grow Out Of Ball Obsession?
Dogs never grow out of ball obsession. It’s a fundamental part of their DNA. The only thing that changes is their preferred object of obsession. For example, a lab may prefer to obsess over a tennis ball, while a jack russell may prefer to obsess over a small animal carcass. But the obsessive drive to chase and retrieve an object will always be there.
Are Tennis Balls Bad For Dogs?
There is a chance that tennis balls could be bad for some dogs. A tennis ball is made of rubber and if ingested, could lead to serious medical problems. However, the probability of any patient presenting with this diagnosis is low.
The exact percentage of patients who typically present with this diagnosis depends on many factors and is unclear. Some sources suggest it happens at a rate of 1%. If you find your dog with a tennis ball in it’s mouth, be sure that the dog has not consumed any part of the ball before removing the toy from its mouth or else there may be trauma to it’s esophagus or stomach lining which may lead to death. Do not feed your animal anything until you know they haven’t eaten anything they shouldn’t have.
Do Tennis Balls Ruin Dog’s Teeth?
It is definitely possible for tennis balls to ruin a dog’s teeth. The abrasiveness of the tennis ball can wear down the enamel on a dog’s teeth, which can lead to cavities and other dental problems.
That said, it is not necessary for dogs to avoid playing with tennis balls altogether. Simply be sure to monitor your dog’s playtime and remove any tennis balls that are showing signs of excessive wear and tear. Also, brush your dog’s teeth regularly to help keep them healthy and free from plaque and tartar buildup.
Can Dogs Use Tennis Balls For Tennis?
Yes, dogs can use tennis balls for tennis. Tennis balls are a good size and weight for dogs and they have a bumpy surface that helps them grip the ball. In addition, tennis balls are durable and can withstand a lot of biting and chewing. Dogs love playing with tennis balls and they make great toys for keeping dogs entertained and exercised.
How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Tennis Balls?
You might have to start by taking away his toys. If he’s not given anything to chew on, he’s less likely to chew on things he shouldn’t. You might also try spraying a deterrent such as Bitter Apple or bitter orange oil on the tennis balls. This will make them unpleasant for him to taste and he’ll stop wanting to eat them.
Why Do Some Dogs Love Balls So Much?
There are a few reasons why some dogs love balls so much. One reason is that balls provide a fun and stimulating challenge for dogs. Balls are an interesting toy because they can be chased, caught, and played with in different ways. This means that dogs can engage their brains and have a lot of fun while playing with balls.
Another reason why some dogs love balls so much is because playing with balls helps keep them active and healthy. When dogs play fetch, they run around and get exercise, which is good for their physical health. Playing fetch is also a great way to bond with your dog and help them socialize with other dogs.
What Are Tennis Ball Alternatives For Dogs?
Kong balls which come in a small or a medium size. I recommend the medium for medium to large breeds and the small for small breeds. They’re made from quality, non-abrasive tennis ball material with reinforced seams that are super strong, but it’s still soft on your pup’s teeth when they chew on them. And both sizes come in red or yellow coloration to add some floppy fun.