These 15 Dogs are Experts at Begging for Food

It’s no secret that we, dogs, love to eat. Now let me be clear. Our “dog” food is passable, and we’ll eat it when necessary, but what we really want is your food, human food. There is absolutely no comparison. Let me just muse for a moment: bacon, steak, burgers, salmon, basically whatever you guys eat, we want. Just the smell of your food drives us crazy. Ugh, just thinking about it makes my tummy rumble.

How do you know we’re hungry? Some of us will whine (a lot) as dinner time approaches. Others will stand right under your feet as you’re cooking. And most of us will sit beside your chair as you eat, hoping for a dropped morsel or a generous hand-out. Begging is never beneath us.

But here’s the good news! As much as we love to eat, we love you more! A recent scan of our brains concluded that dogs love their owners at least as much as they love food. Out of all the dogs used in the research, 20 percent showed more activity in their reward centers when they received praise, which means that we adore attention from you even more than we do a piece of bacon. How about that?!

1. “Yes! Yes! That piece there would be perfect. I’ll take it!”
Dog Begging for Food

2. “Oh man, that is going to be so good. Now to figure out a way to grab some!”
Dog Begging for Food

3. “You should have gotten the large! We want some, too! And next time add pepperoni!”
Dog Begging for Food

4. “Mom, you might want to add a few bacon-flavored ones…for Santa’s dogs!”
Dog Begging for Food

5. “Yeah, hi! Can you please pass the roast beef!”
Dog Begging for Food

6. “Didn’t you order sausages with your waffles? Who doesn’t order sausages with their waffles?”
Dog Begging for Food

7. ‘Sure, I’ll try a piece. I’m up for anything! If you like it, I’m sure I’ll love it!”
Dog Begging for Food

8. “I’ll sit at the head of the table. Hey, wait. Where’s my place setting?!”
Dog Begging for Food

9. “Move that a little to your left…a little more. It’ll fit into my mouth nicely.”
Dog Begging for Food

10. “Is that good? That looks good. What are they, blueberries? I’ll try some.”
Dog Begging for Food

11. “You’ve got an entire bowl! You can’t share just one? Please?!”
Dog Begging for Food

12. “Oh happy day! Babies are so good at dropping food. I’m in for a feast!!”
Dog Begging for Food

13. “If I just sit here quietly, can you give me just a little piece? I’m not asking for much.”
Dog Begging for Food

14. “Wow. What is that concoction! So colorful. Yes, I’ll try some.”
Dog Begging for Food

15. “Gosh that smells good. You guys take me to these fancy cafes and all I get is a bowl of water. How about a small taste of…anything!”
Dog Begging for Food