We dogs love to go on hikes, especially if we get to go with you. But before you head out the door with us in tow, there are a number of things you should keep in mind. I mean, not all of us are trail ready.
- Pre-hike readiness: Always consult with my vet before the hike, pick trails that are appropriate for dogs, and make sure you’ve helped build up my stamina.
- My backpack: Ensure that it fits properly, watch the weight, and load it evenly.
- Food and water: This is especially important on backpacking trips, when we need extra fuel and are likely to be the one carrying it.
- Beware trail hazards: Be aware of excessive heat, creatures like poisonous snakes, and toxic plants.
1. “Oh, yeah, Joe. It’s stunning. I can sit here and look at this view all day.”
2. “Mom, you can call it a backpack all you want. This is your purse, and I look silly carrying it on my collar.”
3. “Dad? Is this what it’s like to scale Mt. Everest?”
4. “I’m coming. Hold your horses. I mean, I’m loaded up like a pack mule!”
5. “I definitely don’t need them. But I look way cool in these aviator glasses.”
6. “This stuff is pretty heavy. Can we stop at this lake for a quick drink?”
7. “These sunglasses are awesome! I’m never taking them off!”
8. “You never told me we’d be getting wet! Next rest stop, I’m putting on my wading boots.”
9. “I really don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to sit here looking cool.”
10. “Wow! I can see our house from here!”
11. “Wait! Don’t forget me! I even packed the giant pencil holder, in case we want to write in our journals.”
12. “I really don’t have anything in it, but it looks so cute with my dress that I had to wear it.”
13. “I mean, it’s cool when we go out on hikes and stuff. But do I have to wear it around the house?”
14. “No, I didn’t pack the binoculars. Why would I pack the binoculars? Why didn’t you pack the binoculars?”