Gosh, there is nothing more boooooooring than a trip to the groomer’s! Don’t get me wrong – I love how amazing I look afterwards, but just HATE sitting in place while everyone is tugging and petting me. I have to take a long bath, then get dried off, then have my fur pulled and brushed and cut. Once all that’s done? There’s still more! There’s still the nail clipping and the teeth brushing – and in between all that, we all have to stop for lunch! Phew! Talk about a busy morning.
The best part is when my human comes in to pick me up! There is no better feeling than seeing his face after such a long day.
And he always comes back looking like he’s been to the groomer’s too! His hair is cut, his face-fur is trimmed, and sometimes he’ll even have a new shirt on! I guess while I’m here getting scrubbed up, he’s off at his own human groomer, too! I wonder if he’ll let me tag along one day so I can see how it’s done?
Reunited again! Oh boy, oh boy, what will we do for the rest of the day? Go for a walk and show off our new hairdos? Or maybe take some pictures to share with friends and family? Ooooh, I bet their doggos would be so jealous of our twinsies look!
Or, better yet, maybe we could get some bacon treats? No offense to the nice people who work here, but that lunch was super duper dry! I love me some dry kibble on a wet humid day, but today was definitely a wet kibble kind of day! I could use a palate cleanser.
Oh right, right, don’t forget to pay the nice people! They definitely worked hard to get me looking my best! Hey, hey human! Maybe we could also surf the ‘net and find some other looks? I’ve seen some human movies where people go in with pictures, and tell the stylist what they want. I want to try that! Maybe I could get my fur dyed, or even get a mohawk! I bet that would really make us stick out, huh?
Okay, I admit it. I guess the trip wasn’t too boring. Can’t wait to come back!