Can Dogs Eat Cookies?


Okay, I’ll be honest. I heard the word cookie and got a little over-excited. Truthfully, the answer is only sometimes yes, and it depends on the ingredients that were used.

If Nana’s favorite recipe contains any food that is toxic for dogs, then I guess I’ll have to starve…

Just kidding! My human keeps saying over my shoulder that I actually had my dinner 10 minutes ago.

There’s no evidence to support this, but apparently “eating the evidence” won’t hold up in a court of paw. This is usually the moment where I would whip out the tried and tested puppy dog eyes, but even I can understand that some things just aren’t good for me.

So, back to the cookies. Can we eat them? Should we avoid them? Let’s find out!

Are Cookies Unhealthy For Dogs?

Well, they’re hardly healthy for humans, either! But no, admittedly cookies are not the healthiest choice of snack for us dogs.

However, if they’re limited to being an infrequent treat, cookies aren’t all that bad for dogs and it’s unlikely we’d become seriously ill from one.

One whole packet, on the other hand, and we might have a problem. It also depends on what the cookie contains. Chocolate chip cookies, for example, are usually filled with chocolate chunks that are poisonous for dogs.

Not only is this unhealthy, but it’s actively harmful to dogs and can cause serious illness, sooo it’s best we don’t eat them.

Other ingredients which could be harmful as they’re toxic to dogs include nutmeg, raisins, macadamia nuts, and sweetener, so any cookie with one or more of these listed in the ingredients will be bad for your dog and should be kept out of its reach at all times.

What Type of Cookies Can Dogs Eat?

Okay, I admit the chocolate variety is generally a no-no for me and my furry canine friends, but there are definitely a few exceptions to the general cookie consensus which I’m keen to make known… you know, for a friend.

Store-bought cookies are incredibly high in sugar and fat, and it’s not recommended that you allow these types of food to be incorporated into your dog’s everyday diet.

At the same time, however, if your dog has managed to sneak a paw into the cookie jar but they haven’t gorged themselves silly then they should be fine. The exception is if your dog is diabetic, in which case it’s a good idea to call your vet as a precaution.

There are also plenty of recipes for dog-friendly cookies that you can find online, like these pumpkin spice dog treat cookies. I’d give baking a batch of these a go myself, but, you know. No opposable thumbs.

What Happens If Your Dog Eats a Cookie?

We stop being hungry for 5 minutes… Just joking! I’d be hungry again in 3! Seriously though, there are a few symptoms you should look out for if your dog manages to get their paws on a couple of cookies.

Us dogs are pesky, so even when you do your best to keep things we shouldn’t be eating out of our reach we can sometimes outsmart you. Don’t feel bad, we’re just highly intelligent. It happens to the best of… who am I kidding, it happens to the best of you.

If you have children, you’ll have likely already seen some of the mischief they can get into with their furry best friend, so it’s natural for them to want to share their treats with them.

It’s important to teach young children about what is and isn’t safe for dogs to eat, so make sure they know which cookies are okay for dogs to eat and which to avoid.

Symptoms to Look Out For

The obvious giveaway would be a trail of crumbs leading away from the scene of the crime, or if there are any tell-tale crumbs lingering around your dog’s mouth, but there are also a few symptoms that suggest an upset stomach after dining on something dangerous.

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid breathing
  • Increased body temperature
  • Seizures

Some dogs will be less affected by side effects like the ones listed here whereas others will feel the effects more, but whenever your dog has eaten something you don’t trust it’s always better to be safe and to ring a veterinarian for medical advice.

If they’ve ingested a large quantity of chocolate from the cookie then you or your vet may need to induce vomiting.

Can a Cookie Kill a Dog?

I… certainly hope not. *Gulps*.

Don’t get me wrong, chocolate in large quantities can cause your dog to become seriously ill with chocolate poisoning.

That’s something I definitely want to avoid, no matter how tempted I may be. While cookies can cause some unpleasant side-effects in your dog, especially if consumed too fast or in large amounts, it’s unlikely that it will be life-threatening.

If you accidentally drop your cookie on the floor and your dog scoffs it before you get a chance to clean it up, don’t panic, because they’ll probably be fine.

Even if they do end up polishing off an entire packet of cookies, these days veterinary care is of an excellent standard and your dog can be treated if they do experience chocolate poisoning.

Dogs tend to start showing symptoms of poisoning after consuming 20mg of theobromine, which is the chemical in chocolate that’s toxic to dogs, but they become more serious when the amount is closer to 40-50mg for every kg that your dog weighs. If in doubt, ring your vet.

Concluding The Cookie Confusion

It pains me that this has to be my final woof on the matter, but when it comes to cookies that contain chocolate or other ingredients that are poisonous for dogs, we definitely shouldn’t be allowed to eat them, no matter how many adoring looks we give you or how much we beg.

So, the next time you think about eating double chocolate chip cookies in front of your dog while they watch and drool, remember that they can’t have even a bite and maybe… don’t be so cruel.

Why not reach for a rich tea or a sugar cookie instead and offer us a nibble.