We dogs love food, and some of us love it a bit too much.
As a lot of us can be greedy, man’s best friend is often referred to as a living vacuum, as there isn’t much we won’t eat if we’re presented with it.
However, the fact we’re not fussy doesn’t make every food that you offer us safe, and humans need to be aware of any foods that are dangerous for us canines to eat.
But for those who are new to owning a dog and are curious: can dogs eat beets?
Let’s get into it.
What vegetables can dogs not eat?
There is an array of vegetables that are safe for dogs to eat, but there are vegetables out there that are in fact toxic for dogs to consume.
A few of these foods include:
- Grapes and raisins, even in small doses, can cause irreversible kidney damage and failure quite quickly, depending on the size of the dog that ingests them.
- Pips, seeds, and stones found in fruits such as cherries, peaches, and plums contain cyanide and can be extremely harmful to your pooch.
- Garlic and onions can also be harmful and can destroy your dog’s red blood cells.
- Avocados can cause breathing problems, sickness, and diarrhea for your dog.
- Broccoli can irritate their stomach and can be very dangerous particularly in certain breeds.
- Rhubarb is a commonly home-grown fruit that can be toxic to dogs as it can cause damage to the nervous system, kidneys, and digestive tract.
- Wild mushrooms can be very poisonous but also one of those things that dogs forage around for whilst out walking.
Can dogs eat beets?
So, now I’ve given you a better idea of which vegetables you should avoid giving to your pooch, can dogs eat beets?
Beets are a root vegetable with multiple health benefits. Generally speaking, beets are safe for your dog to eat in moderation and are a healthy source of vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and potassium.
Not only are these vitamins and minerals good for your dog’s digestion and immune system, but they also help your pup maintain their healthy skin and coat.
However, if you decide to give your pooch beets, it is worth knowing that despite them being non-toxic, some dogs can be allergic. Although this is rare, user discretion is advised when giving us canines anything foreign to our usual diet.
Offer your dog beets slowly, as this will allow you the time to notice if they display any sensitivities or any signs of an allergy.
A few suggestions for incorporating beets are below.
- Cooked and mashed as an occasional treat.
- Shredded on top of their usual kibble or wet food.
- Added to a homemade meal that’s balanced with a good source of protein.
Are beets toxic to dogs?
No, beets are non-toxic to dogs. However, you should always consider your dog’s personal needs as it isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. There are also some other factors that you need to consider before feeding us canines beets in the future.
Beets contain a high quantity of the naturally occurring acid oxalate. Research has shown that this acid has been linked to certain health issues, so eating beets in large quantities could lead to problems with urinary tract infections, or kidney and bladder stones.
If your dog has any of these issues, there is a better snack out there for your pup and you should avoid giving them beets.
It is worth mentioning that compared to other vegetables, beets have a relatively high sugar content. When cooked, the sugar content in beets increases.
Giving your pooch too much sugar can cause health problems such as obesity, dental decay, and in severe cases can even lead to diabetes.
If your dog has any of these conditions, you should discuss them with your vet before giving your dog beets as you don’t want to exacerbate any of these issues unnecessarily. There are always other options out there that could be a better fit!
Raw beets can be a choking hazard if eaten whole. As a result, you should always prep them by chopping them up before giving them to your dog so they can chew and digest them properly.
Alternatively, you could also mash cooked beets for stuffing in a Kong or other food toy – although be careful to avoid giving them too much. Cooked beets are easier to digest and won’t present the same choking hazard as they are much softer for your pup to chew.
Do beets make dog’s pee red?
Although beets are generally perceived to be safe to give your dog in moderation, they can cause what is known as beeturia, which is when urine turns red or pink.
The primary symptom of beeturia is discolored urine or stools. Typically speaking, urine appears red or pink after eating beetroot or foods and juices containing extracts or pigments of beetroot.
The discoloration is due to a compound in beets called betanin, which is what gives the vegetable its red pigment. This can occur in some people and animals that ingest them but generally does not cause medical problems.
Typically speaking, the red or pink color should resolve itself within 12-24 hours after ingestion. However, you’ll want to keep a close eye on your pooch if their urine or stool is a different color to usual.
If your dog is straining and lethargic, then it is likely that something else is going on and you should call your veterinarian to make sure that your dog is
It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend’s health!
In summary
Yes – dogs can eat beets. As they are fiber-rich and packed with antioxidants, they could offer some nutritional benefits if fed in moderation.
However, as with anything foreign that you give your pooch, beets shouldn’t be a regular part of their diet, but used as an additional, occasional treat for every now and then. Don’t go overboard!