Adorable Little Girl Denies Touching Dog Food When Questioned by Parents

This hilarious little girl has so much personality at such a young age. She’s pretty convincing that she didn’t touch the dog food.

How to keep toddler from dog bowl?

One of the best ways to keep your toddler from getting into the dog bowl is to put it up high where they can’t reach it. This way they can’t get to it even if they try. Another method is to keep the dog food in a separate room from where the toddler plays. This will help to reduce the temptation for them to go into the room and play with the food. Finally, you can teach your toddler not to go near the dog bowl by using positive reinforcement. For example, if they stay away from the bowl, you can give them a treat. This will help them to learn that it is not a good idea to go near the dog bowl. By using these methods, you can keep your toddler from getting into the dog bowl.

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